Saturday, February 7, 2009

Quiz Time ...

Age 3, Age 6, Age 9, Age 12.

Q: At what age do you think a child's moral foundations are set in place? Research shows that by the age of 9 years old, a child's understanding and realization of right and wrong are pretty much in place.

Q: Within which age range is the framework set to which the rest of their lives will be primarily lived? Again, studies show that between the ages of 3 and 9, a child's direction is set.

Q: By what age would you think a child's spiritual beliefs are largely set in place? Some experts feel it's as early as age 12. Of course this varies by maturity, but understand that way before they choose a career, way before they drive a car, way before they reach puberty, kids are forming concrete views and understandings of spiritual things.

FINAL Q: Are you doing what you need to do to provide your kids with an accurate and personal moral compass? Are you feeding them the spiritual nourishment they need as they mature? OR, are you allowing SpongeBob, Hannah Montana, and their best friend at school to enlighten them? What do they see on your TV at night? What do they learn from the friends you keep? What do they hear from your mouth?

Point: We have a very popular song we sing called "Monkey See" which follows a bad dad. Eventually he comes to understand that THEY ARE WATCHING OUR EVERY MOVE and he needs to be better. I'm sorry you can't change the past, but you can start RIGHT NOW and make a difference. If need be, sit them down and talk about it. Tell them, "mommy/daddy has not been acting like I want you to act. I'm going to act better and i hope you do too." Being a parent is hard work, it requires a Hard Hat, but that's another song and another day...

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